TRIVIR is an interactive system that applies visual analytics concepts to help users perform queries in document collections based on relevant information.

About the Software
TRIVIR is an interactive system that applies visual analytics and human-computer interaction concepts to help users perform queries in document collections based on relevant information. The system interface provides several functionalities that allow investigating relationships among documents. Once the user identifies a relevant document in the corpus, she can label it to represent its relevance to her needs. The system can be retrained and learn from users' feedbacks to provide more accurate recommendations.
Version 2021:
Version 2019:
DA SILVA, SHERLON ALMEIDA; MILIOS, EVANGELOS E; DE OLIVEIRA, MARIA CRISTINA F. Evaluating Visual Analytics for Relevant Information Retrieval in Document Collections. Interacting With Computers (2023). ISSN: 18737951. DOI: 10.1093/iwc/iwad019
DA SILVA, SHERLON ALMEIDA; MILIOS, EVANGELOS E; DE OLIVEIRA, MARIA CRISTINA F. Evaluating visual analytics for text information retrieval. (2021). ISSN: . DOI:
DA SILVA, SHERLON ALMEIDA; MILIOS, EVANGELOS E.; DE OLIVEIRA, MARIA CRISTINA F.. Evaluating visual analytics for text information retrieval. Proceedings of the XX Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems (2021). ISSN: . DOI: 10.1145/3472301.3484320