Projection Explorer Sensors (PEx-Sensors) is a Java based tool which can be used to create and explore visual representations of data collected by sensors. In this representation, each instance is identified as a circle on a plane. If two circles are close, the instances they represent are similar. If the circles are distant the instances are uncorrelated.

About the Software
Projection Explorer Sensors (PEx-Sensors) is a Java based tool which can be used to create and explore visual representations of data collected by sensors. In this representation, each instance is identified as a circle on a plane. If two circles are close, the instances they represent are similar. If the circles are distant the instances are uncorrelated.
PAULOVICH, FERNANDO V.; MORAES, MARLI L.; MAKI, RAFAEL MITSUO; FERREIRA, MARYSTELA; OLIVEIRA JR., OSVALDO N.; DE OLIVEIRA, MARIA CRISTINA F.. Information visualization techniques for sensing and biosensing. Analyst (London. 1877. Print) (2011). ISSN: 00032654. DOI: 10.1039/c0an00822b